Five Reasons To Upgrade Your Furnace Filtration
It's generally recommended to change your furnace filter every other month, but in some cases, filtering issues may require more frequent changes. You can also have an upgraded filtration system installed on your existing furnace if you need more help with air quality. The following are a few reasons why upgraded furnace filtration and frequent filter changes may be necessary.
1. Pet-Friendly Household
Pet fur and dander are a major cause of filter clogs. The more pets you have, or the longer their fur and the more frequently they shed, the more likely that you will need to increase your filtration. Cleaning the ducts every year or two, as well as vacuuming and preventing hair buildup throughout the home, can also help decrease the amount of pet fur making its way into your furnace filter.
2. Nearby Dirt Roads
If you live on a dirt road, chances are you are no stranger to the amount of dust that seems to make its way into your home. That dust isn't just collecting on the mantle, though. It also gets into the air returns and is then filtered out by the furnace when it is running. Not only do you need to change the filters more often, but you also need to use a filter with small enough pores to capture the dust in the air. Otherwise, it will circulate both into your furnace and back into the air you breathe.
3. High Air Pollution
Pollutants in the air can circulate through your home and clog up furnace filters. Common causes of local pollution are nearby highways or industrial areas. Poor ventilation in certain rooms, such as a heated garage or workshop, can also circulate pollutants through the furnace. Improve ventilation and use small-pore filters if air pollution is a problem. An additional filtration system is also a good idea.
4. Respiratory Issues
If anyone in your home suffers from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues, you want to use a HEPA or other small pore furnace filter and change it often. These filters help keep most allergens and contaminants out of the air. Additional filtration is also recommended if frequently changed HEPA filters don't provide sufficient relief.
5. Mold Issues
Mold spores float in the air. Certain types of mold can be bad for your health, even if you have no known respiratory problems. Once again, HEPA and similar filters that are changed often are recommended. Duct cleaning, regular furnace maintenance and cleaning, and using a dehumidifier in the home can also reduce mold issues.
Contact a heating repair service for more help with your furnace filtration issues.
For more information, contact a company like IMS Heating & Air Inc.