3 Things The Condition Of Your Condenser Can Tell You
Have you looked at your condenser lately? If the terminology is unfamiliar to you, then it's the sizeable outdoor half of your central air conditioning system. The condenser houses your compressor, condenser coils (hence the name), as well as various bits of plumbing and electronics. This vital piece of equipment is the heart of your AC system, and its condition can tell you a lot about the state of your home's HVAC.
Of course, to use your condenser to evaluate the overall state of your system, you'll need to learn to recognize potential signs of trouble. Keep reading to discover three indications that your condenser may require some TLC.
1. Damaged Condenser Fins
Take a close look at your condenser unit and you'll likely notice that the housing exposes a vast number of fins. Just like the fins on your car's radiator, your condenser fins provide surface area that helps your condenser coils extract heat from the refrigerant. If these coils are not functioning correctly, then the refrigerant will remain warm, and it will fail to condense back into a liquid state.
While your condenser's fins should not wear out with age, physical impacts from storm debris or accidents can potentially damage them. If you notice that many of the fins on your condenser appear bent, then your overall system efficiency may be suffering. A technician can usually repair bent condenser fins as long as the damage is not too extreme.
2. Loud Knocking or Grinding Noises
If you hear a rotational knocking or grinding noise, then the most likely culprit is the massive fan that sits on top of most condenser units. Although the condenser fins help to exchange heat with the surrounding environment, a fan is still necessary to provide consistent airflow around the fins. Loose fan parts or trapped debris can cause knocking and grinding noises as the fan turns.
In most cases, the solution is to shut the unit down and inspect the fan for physical damage. Condenser fans are replaceable parts, so a technician should be able to repair or replace your fan without requiring you to purchase a whole new condenser unit.
3. Icing Refrigerant Lines
Ice forming on the refrigerant lines running from your condenser to your house is a sure sign of trouble. This problem always has the same immediate cause: refrigerant temperature that is too low. Your refrigerant temperature may drop due to low refrigerant pressure or poor evaporator airflow. In either case, this condition will reduce system efficiency and may damage your compressor.
Monitoring the condition of your condenser can be easy once you know how to spot the signs of potential failure. With summer coming to a close, now is the perfect time to take a look at your outdoor unit and ensure that it hasn't been crying out for your help.
To learn more, contact a local air conditioning service.