Older Home Renovations: 3 Ways To Make Remodels Pay Off With Energy Savings
You scouted out your new neighborhood for months before finally finding that lovely older home that makes you feel like you are living in a piece of history. While historic homes definitely have their charms, you are also discovering that they come with a lot of quirks. Higher utility costs are often an issue with homes that have gone without much-needed maintenance, yet you can turn it all around by including these repairs on your remodeling list.
Replace Your Doors and Windows
Over the years, too much shifting on the foundation can lead to ill-fitting doors and cracks around the windows. Give all of your home's entry points a good look, and check for things such as cracks beneath the door and deteriorating caulking. If your windows are single-pane glass, then you may need to update those to a more energy-efficient style. Then, either replace or repair your doors so that they no longer allow drafts to escape into your home.
Upgrade Your HVAC System
It is also common for a homes heating and air conditioning systems to be so out of date that they no longer work efficiently. In some instances, you may even find that the wrong size unit was installed at your home. Have a professional come out to inspect your unit to make sure that it is the correct size and in proper working condition. If it is not, then professional heating installation services will pay off over the upcoming months when you do not waste money on high utility bills caused by problems such as rapid cycling.
Schedule a Plumbing Inspection
It is also important to check your home for plumbing issues that can increase your water costs. Find out what kind of pipes run beneath and through your home since the materials used in the past tend to be more susceptible to corrosion. Your plumbing inspection should also include checks for leaky fixtures that need to be replaced, and consider replacing your hot water heater if it is more than ten years old.
The early months in your recently purchased older home may require a little extra work. Yet, you will enjoy the pay off when you no longer have to sweat discovering a high utility bill or an unexpected need for repairs. By knowing which parts of your home are most likely in need of replacement, you can move forward with confidence that your renovations will be worth it over the years you live in your home.